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    Since its establishment,we have always take the product quality as the lifeblood, wehave set up a whole set of product after-sales service tracking/ feedback system. At beginning,from raw materials incoming inspection, to production process monitoring and quality control, to the finished productinspection,as well as the transportation supervise, until the feedback from the customers, all these tracking will be conducted by specified staff.

    We also pay attention to raw materials security the same as the food processing sanitary.In order to assure the fresh fruits are qualified,we conduct severe monitoring management to suppliers and farmers,we will inspect the fresh in heavy metal and pesticide residual before the fresh fruits are supplied, only test results are approved, they are approved to qualified to supply for us; The products can be well controlled after several processing flow,during processing flow, the operators will strictly conduct the processing,packing according to the international food safety requirements, the QA also control the sanitary,traceablity on-site to assure the products are safe and healthy.